Labeling Parts Of A Cell
The Zebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biological science, Part A
Iain A. Drummond , Alan J. Davidson , in Methods in Cell Biological science, 2010
A Origin of the Nephrogenic Mesoderm
Cell labeling and lineage tracing in zebrafish gastrula stage embryos take demonstrated that cells destined to grade the pronephros arise from the ventral mesoderm, in a region partially overlapping with cells fated to form blood ( Fig. 3A) (Kimmel et al., 1990). These cells emerge before long later on the completion of epiboly as a band of tissue, the intermediate mesoderm (IM), at the posterior lateral edge of the paraxial mesoderm (Fig. 3B and C). In zebrafish, unlike other non-teleost vertebrates, the IM gives rise to both kidney and claret cells. The size and positioning of the IM are significantly influenced by dorsoventral and anterior–posterior centrality patterning molecules, such as the ventralizing factors bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and their inhibitors, and the Cdx family of homeobox genes (run into Table I for a summary of zebrafish mutants with pronephric defects).
Fig. iii. Origins of the intermediate mesoderm. (A) Approximate positions of cells in a shield stage embryo destined to contribute to the claret/vasculature and pronephric lineages in the ventral (V) germ ring. (D; dorsal shield). (B) Migration of cells during gastrulation to populate the intermediate mesoderm (im) (C).
Table I. Zebrafish Mutants with Defects in Early on Pronephros Germination
Mutant/gene | Cistron product | Kidney phenotype | Reference |
swirl/bmp2b | BMP ligand | Absent-minded or reduced | Hild et al. (1999) |
snailhouse/bmp7a | BMP ligand | Reduced | Kishimoto et al. (1997) |
somitabun/smad5 | BMP signal transducer | Reduced | Nguyen et al. (1998) |
lost-a-fin/alk8 | BMP receptor | Reduced | Mullins et al. (1996) |
chordino/chordin | BMP adversary | Expanded | Hammerschmidt et al. (1996b) |
kugelig/cdx4 and cdx1a | Homeobox transcription factors | Posteriorly shifted | Davidson et al. (2003); Wingert et al. (2007) |
ntla and spadetail/tbx16 double mutants | Mesoderm inducing T-box transcription factors | Absent-minded | Amacher et al. (2002) |
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Fractional Characterization of Lectin-Bounden Glycoproteins Released from Ascite Hepatoma Cell-Surface
Michele Dodeur , ... Roland Bourrillon , in Glycoconjugate Inquiry: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates, Book II, 1979
Cell labeling. Cells of Zajdela's ascite hepatoma were obtained 7 days after transplantation of 0.25 ml of tumor-prison cell suspension into the rat. In guild to isolate cell-surface glycoproteins, the cells were labeled at galactosyl residues according to the modified method of Gahmberg and Hakomori (4).
Proteolytic enzyme treatments of the cells. Labeled cells were suspended at a concentration of x7 cells/ml in saline buffer (pH 7.5) and incubated twice with 0.004% trypsin at 37°C for ten min. Cell viability was tested. The trypsin digest was treated with Pronase during 12 h at 60°C (Pronase Extract).
Detergent treatments of the cells. Labeled cells were suspended at a concentration of 5 × 107 cells/ml in saline buffer and incubated with various concentrations of detergents [sodium deoxycholate (Doc), Triton X-100, Nonidet P-xl] at iv°C for various times. Non-lytic concentrations of detergent were determined past microscope examination of treated cells following staining with Acridine Orange.
Analysis of lectin-receptor activities. Receptor activity of purified fractions was estimated either by inhibition of [C]-lectin binding to cells, or by incubation of [14C]lectin with [3H]glycoprotein fraction and filtration on Bio-Gel P-60 cavalcade, of the formed circuitous, which shows a shift of the [xivC]radioactivity towards higher-molecular weights.
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Imaging and Spectroscopic Analysis of Living Cells
André E.P. Bastos , ... Rodrigo F.M. de Almeida , in Methods in Enzymology, 2012
three.3 Fluorescent protein engineering
Cell labeling can also occur indirectly through the fusion of fluorescent proteins (FPs) to the poly peptide of interest. In this way, ane can follow the destiny of the protein under study, that is, intracellular trafficking, subcellular localization, colocalization with other proteins, and many other processes. When indeed the matter of study is non the lipid bilayer but the specific role exerted by a protein, it is advantageous to directly label the subject and thus directly follow its destiny. Nevertheless, for the product of FP-tagged constructs cloning and plasmid design is required and biochemical/structural analysis is necessary to prove that no alterations in the functionality/structure accept occurred. Constructs need then to be transfected into the cells for expression of the protein. Transfection can be carried out by many different methods, including electroporation and Deoxyribonucleic acid complex germination with a lipid carrier (e.g., Lipofectamin™) or with polymers (e.g., polyethylenimine (PEI)). The efficiency of transfection depends strongly on the prison cell blazon, size of the plasmid, and cell state (e.yard., cell confluency). Indeed, some cell lines do not tolerate very well the introduction of exogenous Dna, therefore transfection causes high mortality that tin exist due either to the overexpression of the FP or to the handling with the transfection reagent. It has to be pointed out that, in general, transfection of tumor jail cell lines is more successful than transfection on primary cells. Although the employ of FP tags does not crave the addition of organic solvents or solubilizing agents in which the chemic dyes need to be resuspended and which may alter membrane properties, in any case also transfection agents may be cause of loftier toxicity as higher up discussed.
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URL: discipline/article/pii/B9780123918574000033
INTERNEURONS | Plasticity and Reorganization of GABA Neurons in Epilepsy
C.R. Houser , in Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Inquiry, 2009
Susceptibility and Resistance of GABA Neurons to Seizure-Induced Damage
Labeling cell bodies of the entire population of GABA neurons clearly demonstrates neuronal loss, and at the same time, emphasizes the big number of GABA neurons that remain in the hippocampal formation in lesion models of TLE ( Figure1(a) and 1(b) ). GABA neurons in the hilus of the dentate gyrus are considered to be among the most vulnerable GABA neurons in the hippocampal formation ( Figure 1(b) ), and neurons in stratum oriens of CA1 are likewise often decreased in both pilocarpine and kainate models of TLE ( Effigy 1(b) ). The loss of these neurons is in sharp contrast to the preservation of many GABA neurons along the base of the granule-cell layer ( Figure i(b) ) and in the pyramidal-cell layer of CA1 ( Figure ane(b) ). Despite their close proximity, some GABA neurons are susceptible to damage while others announced resistant.
More selective views of GABA neuron loss in epilepsy have come from localization of neuropeptides and calcium-binding proteins that characterize subclasses of GABA neurons. Such labeling has demonstrated that somatostatin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons in the dentate hilus are oft severely depleted in human TLE and many animal models ( Figures ii(a) and 2(b) ). The numbers of somatostatin neurons in stratum oriens of CA1 are also reduced, consistent with the findings from in situ hybridization studies of GAD mRNAs. In contrast, parvalbumin-expressing neurons in the dentate gyrus, many of which are basket cells, are relatively resistant to seizure-induced harm in humans and some animal models, and their labeling may even exist enhanced during the chronic period ( Figure 2(c) and 2(d) ). However, a decrease in parvalbumin-labeled interneurons in the hippocampal formation also has been reported in several models. Differences in the findings could reflect variations in the models, regional or species differences, or (in some instances) decreased parvalbumin immunoreactivity in remaining neurons.
Figure two. Immunohistochemical localization of somatostatin (SS) and parvalbumin (PV) in control (a,c) and pilocarpine-treated (b,d) mice at ii months post-obit condition epilepticus. (a,b) In the pilocarpine-treated mouse, SS neurons are severely depleted in the hilus (H) of the dentate gyrus, where they are abundant in the command animal. A moderate loss of SS neurons is also axiomatic in stratum oriens (O) of CA1. (c,d) In a pilocarpine-treated mouse, numerous PV-labeled neurons remain along the base of the granule-prison cell layer (Grand) of the dentate gyrus and throughout stratum pyramidale (P) of CA1. The labeling of parvalbumin terminals in the granule-cell and pyramidal-cell layers appears stronger than in the control beast, despite identical processing of the tissue.
From such findings, a broader perspective on GABA neuron loss in epilepsy is emerging. The data advise that GABA neurons that innervate dendritic regions are nearly vulnerable to damage, whereas those that provide perisomatic innervation are often preserved. This view is consistent with loss of hilar somatostatin neurons that innervate the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus and preservation of many GABAergic handbasket cells at the base of the granule-jail cell layer that innervate the somata of granule cells. In CA1, electrophysiological studies demonstrate a reduction in dendritic simply non somatic inhibition in a rat model of TLE, consequent with loss of interneurons that innervate primarily dendritic regions. These patterns have interesting functional implications, for they suggest that GABAergic modulation of the principal cells' response to excitatory input could be deficient while GABAergic control of the final output of the chief cells is preserved. This differential pattern has as well led to the interesting suggestion that preservation of strong perisomatic innervation, and possible sprouting of these axon terminals, could promote synchronous firing of the principal cells, particularly when remaining GABA neurons are strongly activated. In this manner, some remaining GABA neurons might contribute to seizure activity.
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Laboratory Methods in Enzymology: Protein Part B
Jessica Spitzer , ... Thomas Tuschl , in Methods in Enzymology, 2014
sixteen.2 Duration
Cell labeling and harvesting: sixteen h + 20 min
RNA isolation: about two h
Dephosphorylation and hydrolysis: 30 min + overnight incubation
Chromatography: as needed
- 12.1
Grow two 10-cm plates of HEK293 cells in regular medium. Add 100-μM 4SU to 1 plate 16 h prior to harvesting cells.
- 12.ii
Decant the growth medium; wash cells once with 1× PBS.
- 12.three
Add 1 ml of TRIzol reagent directly onto the plate and isolate the full RNA according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- 12.four
Include DTT in the isopropanol and ethanol-wash steps as well as in the subsequent reaction to prevent oxidation of the thiocarbonyl group, which yields disulfides or uridine.
- 12.v
Dissolve the RNA pellet in sixty-μl H2O containing 1-mM DTT.
- 12.6
Make up one's mind the concentration of the obtained RNA. Wait to obtain virtually 50–100 μg total RNA per x-cm plate.
- 12.7
0.2 OD260 (8.0 μg RNA) of total RNA is digested and dephosphorylated to unmarried nucleosides for HPLC analysis. Fix the following reaction:
Reagent or solution Final concentration Volume RNA 0.ii OD260 x μl 10-mM DTT mM i.3 μl one M MgCltwo xiii.8 mM 1.viii μl 0.5-M Tris–HCl (pH 7.v) mM 9.0 μl Bacterial Alkali metal Phosphatase 1.half dozen U 10 μl Snake Venom Phosphodiesterase 0.2 U x μl H2O to 130 μl - 12.eight
Digest for sixteen h at 37 °C. As an additional control, also digest and analyze synthetic RNAs with and without 4SU.
- 12.9
Add 2.3-μl 100-mM DTT, 4 μl of 3 Chiliad NaOAc (pH 5.2), and 100 μl of ice-cold 100% ethanol, incubate on dry ice for 10 min, and centrifuge the sample at 12 500 × g for 5 min at 25 °C.
- 12.10
Collect the supernatant, add three μl of 100-mM DTT and 300 μl of water ice-cold 100% ethanol, incubate on dry out ice for 10 min, centrifuge the sample at 12 500 × g for 5 min at 25 °C, and collect the supernatant.
- 12.eleven
Evaporate the supernatant in a Speed-vac to complete dryness. If the sample is non completely stale, the retention times during HPLC analysis are affected.
- 12.12
Dissolve the sample in fifty μl of H2O, which is the volume of one HPLC injection.
- 12.13
Dissever ribonucleosides on a Supelco Discovery C18 reverse stage column (bonded stage silica 5 μM particles, 250 × 4.six mm).
- 12.14
Use an isocratic gradient of 0% B for 15 min, 0–10% B for 20 min, and 10–100% B for 30 min with a 5-min 100% B wash between runs (see Fig. 8.14).
Figure viii.14. HPLC trace of extracted total RNA to estimate 4SU incorporation into HEK293 cells. Please refer to the principal text for a detailed clarification.
- 12.15
Summate the absorption ratios from the known sequence of the reference oligonucleotides. This is used to estimate the incorporation rate for 4SU (in our experiments, betwixt ane.4 and 2.4% of U is substituted by 4SU).
- 12.xvi
Confirm U and 4SU retention times by co-injection with standards.
- 12.17
Calculate the substitution ratio of 4SU past dividing the surface area under the curve by the extinction coefficients of rU versus 4SU at 260 nm versus 330 nm.
Nucleoside | Extinction coefficient at 260 nm (pH 7.0) | Extinction coefficient at 330 nm |
rA | 12 340 | 0 |
rC | 7020 | 0 |
rG | 10 240 | 0 |
rU | 9720 | 0 |
4SU | 4250 | 17 000 |
Run across Fig. 8.15 for a flowchart of Step 12.
Figure 8.15. Flowchart of Step 12.
Please refer to this link ( for a video illustrating the first day of experiments.
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Gastrulation: From Embryonic Pattern to Grade
Sonja Nowotschin , Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis , in Electric current Topics in Developmental Biology, 2020
five Morphogenetic prison cell behaviors driving gut endoderm formation
Cell labeling and orthotopic grafting studies reported that cells with a definitive endoderm (DE) fate tin can exist identified at the anterior region of the primitive streak (APS) at E7.0. Afterward, at E7.25–E8.0, DE cells tin exist detected on the surface of the embryo and thereafter in the forming gut tube. The first DE cells that sally from the primitive streak give rise to the foregut region, followed by cells that will comprise the mid- and hindgut regions ( Franklin et al., 2008; Lawson, Meneses, & Pedersen, 1986; Lawson & Pedersen, 1987). DE cells are 1 of the terminal populations to exit the archaic streak, effectually the same fourth dimension equally the lateral plate, intermediate and paraxial mesoderm populations.
Recent live imaging and genetic fate mapping studies have provided insights into the cellular dynamics driving gut endoderm morphogenesis. By dissimilarity to the long-continuing (deportation) model, which posited that VE cells would be displaced proximally past DE cells exiting the primitive streak and intercalating into the VE epithelium, live imaging revealed that VE cells remain within the distal embryonic region condign dispersed (dispersal model, Kwon et al., 2008) and interspersed with DE cells (Fig. 5). During dispersal, VE cells move autonomously, likely due to the massive tissue expansion resulting from the growing embryo, as well as the concomitant intercalation of DE cells. DE cells arising at the primitive streak, likely undergo a partial EMT, since they practise not lose but redistribute E-cadherin (Viotti et al., 2014). Within a brusque menstruation of time, DE cells move abroad from the archaic streak, maybe "piggy-backing" on actively migrating mesoderm, and subsequently re-epithelialize as they intercalate into the VE epithelium. In this way, the gut endoderm of the E7.5 embryo comprises a mix of DE and VE cells (Fig. 5), and the VE lineage persists in the embryo and contributes to the midgestational gut tube (Kwon et al., 2008; Nowotschin et al., 2019).
Fig. five. Endoderm emerges twice during mouse evolution: the gastrula. The gut endoderm is ane of the 3 layers generated at gastrulation. The gut endoderm is an epithelium on the surface of the mouse gastrula comprising cells of 2 singled-out origins: primitive endoderm (PrE)-derived visceral endoderm (VE, blue) and motility within the mesoderm layer and eventually sally on the embryo'southward surface as they intercalate into the visceral endoderm (VE) epithelium thereby generating the gut endoderm. Morphogenesis of the gut endoderm involves modulation of apical-basal polarity in both DE and VE cell populations and then as to facilitate intercalation, and the assembly of a basement membrane (BM) which segregates the (gut) endoderm tissue layer from the adjacent mesoderm. DE cells exhibit many similarities with the primitive endoderm (PrE) cells specified in the blastocyst including expression of molecular markers (e.g., FOX, SOX, and GATA transcription factors) and morphogenetic cell behaviors which include the acquisition of upmost-basal polarity, and concomitant sorting to the tissue'southward surface.
Interestingly VE descendants exhibit an anisotropic distribution along the gut tube, with a higher percent contributing to the hindgut, than mid- and foregut (Kwon et al., 2008; Nowotschin et al., 2019; Pijuan-Sala et al., 2019). The elevated contribution of the VE lineage to the hindgut could be explained past the observation that PVE cells are not dispersed and remain as a cohort during gastrulation, and thereafter become incorporated into the hindgut (Balmer, Nowotschin, & Hadjantonakis, 2016; Kwon et al., 2008).
Studies on the mechanism of DE-VE prison cell intercalation are beginning to elucidate the complex sequence of stereotypical cell behaviors driving this process. At the pre-streak phase, the VE is a cuboidal epithelium surrounding the columnar epithelial epiblast (Fig. 5). Once the primitive streak has formed (E6.5), and EPI cells begin to ingress forming the mesodermal layer migrating between EPI and the VE epithelia. At this point the embryo is massively growing, and changes in the morphology of the VE tin can begin to be observed as it adopts a more squamous flatter epithelial like morphology. Around E6.75–E7.0, DE cells volition ingress in the vicinity of the anterior streak, move laterally inside the mesodermal layer and finally intercalate into the overlying VE epithelium. For intercalation to occur DE and VE cells must coordinate their behaviors. DE cells need to re-establish apical-basal polarity, and reassemble cell-cell junctions so as to undergo an MET and intercalate into the VE epithelium (Fig. 5). To facilitate this sequence, and in dissimilarity to their mesoderm neighbors, DE cells but partially downregulate the adherens junction apically-localized protein E-cadherin (Viotti et al., 2014). Given the time-frame between ingression at the primitive streak and intercalation into the VE epithelium on the embryo's surface (Fig. 5), it seems plausible that DE cells would undergo only a partial EMT enabling them to rapidly reassemble prison cell-jail cell junctions and re-constitute polarity. Rapid and mayhap fractional EMT-MET cycles have been shown in tumor progression; from metastasis to intravasation (Ye & Weinberg, 2015), and merit further investigation in the context of gastrulation. This morphogenetic behavior also bears many similarities to epiboly movements that are well described in frogs and zebrafish.
Concomitantly, cells of the VE epithelium must transiently modulate their epithelial integrity; disassembling their cell-cell junctions, to allow DE cells to intercalate. The assay of embryos lacking the SRY-box transcription cistron SOX17 has provided some insight into the regulation of the de-epithelization and re-epithelialization process, besides equally the clan between gut endoderm morphogenesis and the assembly of a BM at the mesoderm-gut endoderm interface (come across Section 6). Sox17 mutants were initially reported to lack mid- and hindgut endoderm with cells of the gut tube possessing a morphology resembling VE rather than DE (Kanai-Azuma et al., 2002). Further analyses at before embryonic stages revealed a failure in VE dispersal (Viotti et al., 2012, 2014). Though EPI cells underwent a gastrulation EMT and were able to migrate abroad from the archaic streak, FOXA2-positive DE cells were unable to intercalate into the VE epithelium and consequently were retained within the mesodermal layer. The fate of these cells, which were unable to execute the DE morphogenetic program—whether they prefer a mesoderm identity or die—remains unknown. In the absenteeism of SOX17 VE cells failed to relinquish their epithelial character, their jail cell-cell junctions remained intact, and their morphology remained cuboidal rather than becoming squamous (Viotti et al., 2014). These observations suggest cross-talk between DE and VE cells in these coordinate behaviors giving rise to gut endoderm.
Endocytosis has been shown to be important not just for the removal of activated receptors and ligands from a jail cell's surface, but also for relaying and modulating intercellular signals necessary for patterning of the embryo (reviewed in Bokel & Brand, 2014). The vitamin B12, albumin and Apolipoprotein A-I receptor CUBILIN is expressed throughout the VE. Cubilin mutants arrest at gastrulation, and take impaired endocytosis in VE cells, which neglect to disperse. FOXA2-positive DE, too as mesoderm cells accumulate at the primitive streak of Cubilin mutants, suggesting that cues from the adjacent VE, presumably the PVE, instruct nascent DE and mesoderm cells as they exit from the primitive streak (Perea-Gomez et al., 2019).
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URL: discipline/commodity/pii/S0070215319300997
Grand Protein Pathways
Paola Signorelli , Yusuf A. Hannun , in Methods in Enzymology, 2002
Concepts of in Vivo Labeling
When labeling cells with radioactive precursors it is important to differentiate between two approaches: a pulse label and a steady state characterization followed past a chase.
In the initial labeling phase (0−six hr; this interval depends on several parameters such as metabolic rates and phase of the prison cell cycle) the radioactive precursor is taken up from the medium and used by the prison cell to class new metabolites. During this phase, precursors are generally incorporated in newly synthesized molecules. Such a short labeling time ("pulse") can exist used to follow preferentially specific metabolites and fluxes through pathways.
The "equilibrium" phase, or "steady state," is a phase that is reached when the forerunner has been already metabolized and the amount of radioactivity per each lipid specie is more or less constant over the duration of the experiment, because of a balance of germination and loss. The time frame required to reach such a state is related to cell wheel and metabolism only, for almost lipids, it lies approximately between 48 and 72 hour. This is likewise shown by the fact that the ratio between the corporeality of radioactivity taken up from the medium and released in the medium past proliferating cells becomes constant. Afterward cells take been labeled, it is important to precede any handling intended to affect labeled metabolites with a wash in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and menses of "chase" in fresh medium non containing radioactive label (two hr). During such a pace, nonincorporated radioactivity volition be released. Then cells can exist changed to new medium and treated for the experiment.
It should be noted that with in vivo labeling information technology is possible to find variations of ceramide content in response to different stimuli but such approaches will non give a good indication of changes of total mass of the metabolites.
The total intracellular amount of ceramide tin exist evaluated by a steady state labeling of cells with radioactive precursors (Method 1) or past utilizing the DG kinase in vitro assay (Method ii).
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Radiolabeling of carmine blood cells and platelets and quality controls
Aljaž Sočan , in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2022
Facilities for jail cell labeling
Requirements for cell labeling facilities vary from country to country, however, they generally follow the same regulations every bit the preparation of kits ( IAEA, 2015).
It is recommended that the radiolabeling of autologous blood cells, which is an open procedure, be carried out in suitable laminar flow hoods (LAF) dedicated for hygienic preparation or pharmaceutical isolators, in carve up rooms, designated for such procedures, with separated changing rooms to forbid possible cross-contagion.
The use of pharmaceutical isolators for jail cell labeling procedures is growing. Negative pressure level (Blazon ii) isolators that provide filtered air to grade A are recommended for such procedures to protect the operator, the product, and the surroundings. For preparation of radiopharmaceuticals, isolators are required to be located in a Grade D environment.
Materials introduced into the laminar flow hood or isolator should be sanitized, eastward.thou., with sterile lxx% v/v ethanol or isopropyl alcohol and the workstation should be thoroughly disinfected prior to starting the claret labeling procedure. After each patient blood labeling, non-dispensable materials, e.yard., the workstation, centrifuge buckets, etc., should exist thoroughly disinfected with an amanuensis that is active against blood organisms and spores. Dispensable items, e.yard., syringes, tubes, pipettes, etc., should be discarded according to written local procedures on disposing of infective material.
Gloves should be discarded after each preparation, while gauntlets should be thoroughly disinfected to forbid any possible cantankerous-contagion.
Several closed systems (i.eastward., Ultratag™ RBC for in vitro RBC radiolabeling, Leukokit) have likewise been developed to ensure sterile conditions during the labeling procedure (Theobald, 2011).
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Advances in PET Detection of the Antitumor T Cell Response
Grand.N. McCracken , ... A.Thousand. Wu , in Advances in Immunology, 2016
2 Ex Vivo Cell Labeling for Tracking Immune Cells In Vivo
Ex vivo cell labeling is a process in which cells of involvement are harvested, incubated with the radiotracer of choice for intracellular uptake and retentiveness, so infused back into the patient for subsequent noninvasive detection ( Fig. i). More often than not, the radiotracers are taken upward past cells via passive diffusion due to the use of lipophilic chelators and are retained by binding to intracellular proteins. In that location are many aspects of ex vivo jail cell labeling that need to be optimized/determined to establish a reproducible radiolabeling procedure that does non cause toxicity for the cells of involvement prior to imaging experiments, such as incubation time, radioactivity concentration per cell, retention of radioactivity over time, viability, radiotoxicity, DNA damage, and altered phenotype or activation state. The meaning drawbacks of this approach are the restricted longitudinal imaging due to radiotracer half-life, radiotracer dilution due to jail cell proliferation or cell death, and the pocket-size corporeality of radioactivity that can accumulate in each cell. In the context of radiolabeled T cells, strict attention needs to be made on cellular activation and cell decease due to established radiosensitivity of T lymphocytes. Although this is a relatively routine procedure in nuclear medicine, it is nonetheless a labor-intensive procedure.
Fig. ane. Ex vivo radiolabeling of cells. In this example, cytotoxic lymphocytes transduced with a TCR specific for a tumor antigen are radiolabeled and are reintroduced for cell tracking to antigen-positive tumors. This provides data regarding both successful tumor targeting and the presence of the tumor antigen.
Since the 1970s, clinical nuclear medicine departments accept routinely used planar scintigraphy in combination with ex vivo radiolabeling of leukocytes with gamma-emitting radionuclides, using 111In-oxine and 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (99mTc-HMPAO), to detect sites of inflammation or infection (Hughes, 2003; Peters, 1994). The advent of SPECT/CT has enhanced the diagnostic capability of gamma radionuclide-labeled leukocytes in the clinic (Djekidel, Brown, & Piert, 2011). These methods are still used clinically because the detection of locations of infection can be critical for the clinical management of patients. However, certain clinical applications requiring the detection of modest numbers of cells in pocket-sized volumes have created the need for PET jail cell-labeling methods due to enhanced sensitivity, quantification, and resolution of clinical PET scanners (Rahmim & Zaidi, 2008). Human leukocyte labeling with [18F]-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-d-glucose ([xviiiF]-FDG) suffers from rapid efflux, low radiolabeling efficiency of cells with low glucose metabolism, and the relatively brusque physical half-life of 18F (110 m) (Bhargava, Gupta, Nichols, & Palestro, 2009; Forstrom, Mullan, Hung, Lowe, & Thorson, 2000). In one study, investigators institute that activated human T cells radiolabeled with [18F]-FDG suffered from radiotracer efflux, decreased proliferation, and reduced cytotoxic activity (Botti et al., 1997). Recently, the utilize of [18F]-4-fluorobenzamido-N-ethylamino-maleimide ([18F]-FBEM) for cohabit eighteenF to cell surface thiols did not reduce T lymphocyte viability and demonstrated homing of T lymphocytes to the spleen at 90 min postinjection (Lacroix et al., 2013). The longer-lived radionuclide 64Cu (12.7 h) allows tracking of cells over a longer period of time. In animals, 64Cu-pyruvaldehyde-bis(North four-methylthiosemicarbazone) (64Cu-PTSM)-labeled leukocytes were shown to drift to the spleens of mice as detected by PET (Fig. two) (Adonai et al., 2002). However, the 64Cu cell-labeling tracer suffered from rapid efflux resulting in nonspecific liver uptake (Adonai et al., 2002). Recently, 89Zr (three.ii days) was used to radiolabel various cell types, including human leukocytes, with higher intracellular retention than the typical 111In radiolabeling approach assuasive for cell tracking at 7 days postinjection (Charoenphun et al., 2015).
Fig. ii. 64Cu-PTSM-labeled lymphocytes. Mice were injected intravenously with lymphocytes radiolabeled ex vivo with 64Cu-PTSM and images were acquired at 0.12 h (A), 3.12 h (B), and xviii.9 h (C) postinjection. PET images show that the adoptively transferred lymphocytes initially traffic through the lungs and and then accumulate in the spleen and liver. Lu, lungs; Li, liver; Sp, spleen; In, intestine.
Adjusted from Adonai, N., Nguyen, Yard. N., Walsh, J., Iyer, Chiliad., Toyokuni, T., Phelps, M. Due east., et al. (2002). Ex vivo cell labeling with 64Cu-pyruvaldehyde-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) for imaging cell trafficking in mice with positron-emission tomography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 3030, and reprinted with permission from PNAS. Copyright (2002) National University of Sciences, Us.The noninvasive imaging of T cell trafficking in vivo in tumor models could provide information pertaining to the power of targeted cells to migrate to regions of interest, such every bit antigen expressing tumors in the context of TCR- or CAR-engineered T cells. Initial preclinical studies tracking cytotoxic lymphocytes to tumors were performed with 111In-SPECT. Pittet et al. used 111In-oxine-radiolabeled tumor-specific murine cytotoxic lymphocytes to track T cell migration, demonstrating that lymphodepletion earlier adoptive cell transfer enhanced both intratumoral migration of T cells and antitumor efficacy (Pittet et al., 2007). More recently, 111In-tropoline-labeled human Automobile T cells were injected past alternate routes into tumor-gratis or tumor-begetting immune-incompetent mice to monitor Machine T jail cell trafficking (Parente-Pereira et al., 2011).
Only recently has PET been used to runway CD8+ T cells to tumors. In ane example, activated ovalbumin (OVA)-specific CD8+ T cells (OT-I) were efficiently radiolabeled with 89Zr-oxine, demonstrating efficient cellular retention of 89Zr. Importantly, no effects on OT-I proliferation and activation as monitored by expression of CD69, CD25, and CD44 also as production of IFN-γ and IL-2 were observed (Sato et al., 2015). The 89Zr-labeled CD8 T cells injected into wild-blazon mice showed migration to the spleen and lymph nodes up to seven days postinjection. Subsequently, 89Zr-OT-I cells were injected into RAG1 knockout mice bearing B16-OVA melanoma tumors demonstrating low tumor targeting via PET, only no antigen-negative tumors were shown as control for groundwork and nonspecific targeting (Sato et al., 2015).
The use of PET to accost T prison cell migration patterns was performed using 64Cu-radiolabeled Th1 CD4+ T cells expressing the MHC-Ii-restricted TCR specific for OVA (OT-Two) in the model of chicken OVA-induced airway hypersensitivity inflammation. Initially, 64Cu-PTSM radiolabeled OT-II were used to monitor the different migration patterns as a result of intravenous or intraperitoneal administration (Griessinger et al., 2014). They demonstrated cell tracking for 48 h postinjection based on optimized radiolabeling weather that reduced, but did non cancel, the harmful effects due to 64Cu-radiolabeling, such every bit viability, apoptosis, proliferation, IFN-γ production, and Dna double-strand breaks. A 2nd approach by the same grouping used a 64Cu-radiolabeled antibody specific for the TCR expressed on OT-II cells to utilize TCR plasma membrane turnover for intracellular radiolabeling (Griessinger et al., 2015). This method resulted in reduced radiation-induced cellular damage, decreased radiotracer efflux compared to 64Cu-PTSM, and reduced background in PET studies. This method can potentially exist applied to radiolabeling CD8+ cytotoxic T cells specific for tumor antigens to reduce radiation-induced jail cell harm.
In the hereafter, ex vivo cell labeling of T cells with PET radiotracers could provide information on successful delivery and tumor targeting of TCR- and Motorcar-engineered T cells for antitumor immunotherapy. Tracking these engineered T cells to antigen-positive tumors could make up one's mind successful tumor-specific commitment of therapeutic T cells and potentially determine antigen expressing vs antigen-negative tumors in metastatic patients. However, ex vivo radiolabeling volition not provide information about the presence of adoptively transferred cells at weeks posttransfer due to the limitation of radionuclide one-half-life. Consistent T cell handling, incubation times, radiolabeling efficiency, viability, and phenotype of T cells must be established for routine clinical utilise. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the limits of radioactivity per cytotoxic T cell will be sufficient for PET detection of low T cell numbers migrating to tumors in patients.
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Proteomics in Biological science, Part B
R. Noberini , T. Bonaldi , in Methods in Enzymology, 2017
4.ane SILAC Labeling
- 1.
Prison cell labeling : Thaw the cell lines in the appropriate standard medium and go on them in civilization for at least 2 days for adaptation. Pellet the cells, discard the standard medium, and add together the SILAC medium. Split up the cells co-ordinate to the cell blazon-specific procedure for approximately 8/ten doublings to ensure the complete incorporation of the isotope-encoded amino acids. Although the number of doublings required to reach total incorporation is prison cell type specific and must exist assessed example past case, 8/10 passages are sufficient for most cells. Later on reaching consummate heavy amino acid incorporation (run across point two), cells can be frozen in SILAC freezing medium and stored in liquid nitrogen for afterwards utilize.
Note i: Build growth curves to compare cells grown in SILAC- or standard medium in guild to verify that the SILAC medium does non cause any dramatic morphological alterations, or differences in the growth rate.
Notation 2: Because an Arg-C digestion (come across afterwards) is used, the incorporation of heavy arginine is sufficient to label all the digested peptides. If using dissimilar digestion strategies, unlike labels may exist required.
Notation iii: In some cell types a metabolic proline-to-arginine conversion can occur when they are provided with insufficient arginine amounts (Kirchner & Selbach, 2012). Thus, the optimal arginine concentration should be adamant experimentally by assessing the frequency of heavy proline in the heavy SILAC cells.
- 2.
Evaluation of the labeling efficiency: Collect a modest aliquot (1–5 × 10half dozen cells) of heavy-labeled cells, wash them in ice-common cold PBS and add 100 μL of Lysis Buffer, supplemented with 1 μL of Benzonase. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 10 min at four°C and recover the supernatant. Separate the proteins by SDS-Folio and perform an in-gel trypsin digestion followed by LC/MS/MS every bit described subsequently (Olsen, Ong, & Mann, 2004). Although ideally peptides identified from this pool should comprise just heavy amino acids, a very small percentage of light peptides (and correspondingly H/L ratios) may remain. The minimal recommended incorporation of heavy amino acids that ensures accurate SILAC-based quantification is 95%.
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URL: discipline/commodity/pii/S0076687916303093
Labeling Parts Of A Cell,
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